Fifth Sunday of Easter

The Emmaus Road story tells us that Jesus is sometimes difficult to see even when he’s right in front of us.  Where do you see Jesus and how do you recognize him?

They told what had happened on the road and how he had been made known to them in the breaking of the bread.

Acts 7:55-60 | Psalm 31:1-6, 15-16 (UMH 764) | 1 Peter 2:2-10 | John 14:1-14 | Luke 24:13-35

Hymn 1:  Come, Christians, Join to Sings UMH 158 (ALL) Christian Henry Bateman
Hymn 2: 
Learning on the Everlasting Arms UMH 133 (ALL)  Elisha A. Hoffman
Hymn 3:  Open My Eyes UMH 454 (ALL) Clara H. Scott