3/20/2022 “Fruitful Living”

Third Sunday of Lent Lent is the season of repentance and forgiveness. How are we bearing fruit worthy of repentance? Where do we start? Isaiah 55:1-9 | Psalm 63:1-8 | 1 Corinthians 10:1-13 | Luke 13:1-9 3+ Activity Page 7+ Activity...

3/6/2022 “Temptation”

First Sunday of Lent The road to hell is paved with good intentions, but the driver on that bus is named Control and Power is selling the tickets. What is Jesus asking you to resist? Deuteronomy 26:1-11 | Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16 | Romans 10:6-13 | Luke 4:1-13 3+ Activity...

2/27/2022 “Changed”

Transfiguration Sunday God’s presence cannot be encountered by mere mortal flesh without being altered forever. What is the difference between you then and now – and what new changes are you expecting? Exodus 34:29-35 | Psalm 99 | 2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2 | Luke...

2/20/2022 “Not Dead Anymore”

Seventh Sunday after Epiphany Death isn’t the end. As with Joseph, death is sometimes an illusion. But Paul takes the idea to its proper setting, reminding us that death is never the end. What resurrection are you awaiting? Genesis 45:3-11, 15 | Psalm 37:1-11,...

2/6/2022 “How Long, O Lord?”

Fifth Sunday after Epiphany When told, “God will never put more on you than you can bear,” we often reply, “I just wish the Lord didn’t think so much of me.” The good news is that God will not leave us comfortless. The bad news is that the passage quoted refers to...

1/30/2022 “Prepared”

Fourth Sunday after Epiphany Most of us have felt unprepared and ill-trained for the work at hand at some point. In these trying times, that’s true more than ever. But we DO have all the skills we need. How? Because of love. With love as our primary tool, we can...