2/6/2022 “How Long, O Lord?”

Fifth Sunday after Epiphany When told, “God will never put more on you than you can bear,” we often reply, “I just wish the Lord didn’t think so much of me.” The good news is that God will not leave us comfortless. The bad news is that the passage quoted refers to...

1/30/2022 “Prepared”

Fourth Sunday after Epiphany Most of us have felt unprepared and ill-trained for the work at hand at some point. In these trying times, that’s true more than ever. But we DO have all the skills we need. How? Because of love. With love as our primary tool, we can...

1/16/2022 “All Things in Their Time and Place”

Second Sunday after Epiphany One of the great sins of human beings is to believe that we are all to look and act the same. This error has led to the domination of cultures, races, and genders. Instead, God asks each of us to play a role, to bring our gifts to the...

1/9/2022 “Redeemed”

Epiphany Sunday Our journey through exile continues, grateful for the shared space, but longing for home. We hear the words of Isaiah promising redemption and restoration this week in a new light. What does it mean to be redeemed? Isaiah 43:1-7 | Psalm 29 | Acts...